Rock Against Crass

Special Duties’ singer Steve Arrogant in the letters pages of Sounds, 18 November, 1982.
The Essex poonks had a campaign against Crass, and a single ‘Bullshit Crass’. In the 2004 Ian Glasper book Burning Britain: The History of Punk 1980-1984 from Cherry Red Books, Arrogant explains his dislike of Crass: “It was the fact that they said ‘Punk was dead’, and they played this really tuneless music. I saw them as almost a religious cult”.

No Bottle

Due to lack of bottle by the promoters of the venues we’ve approached, the ‘Rock Against Crass’ gig will now be unable to go ahead.
We would like to take this opportunity, however, to thank all the bands who got in touch with us concerning the cause. In case the bands in question do not wish to be mentioned unnecessarily as being Anti-Crass a full list of them is being withheld, but thanks anyway. The talking stops here but the feeling remains. Sorry to the bands who we promised a gig, but the venues just don’t want to know.

Steve Arrogant, Essex

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