Wasted Life

Andy T had some poems on the Crass ‘Bullshit Detector; compilations, as well as a single on Crass Records. He’s still recording and gigging. Andy says this one was originally written in 1975.

This poem is from Orpington zine Ability Stinks, number 4, 1982.

Wasted Life

I’m numbing my senses
Pumping shit in my veins
My head’s so full of glue
I ain’t left with much brains
I’m too much of a coward
To try & slash my wrists
So I kill myself slowly
Getting stoned & getting pissed
I can’t face reality
In this god-awful place
But I’ll end my wasted life
With a smile on my face

Andy T

1 thought on “Wasted Life

  1. Dave H

    Loved Andy T’s Crass Records E.P. Must try & dig it out of the cupboard, think it had about 12 tracks on a 7” 45. 😳

    Picked up a few copies too of Ability Stinks fanzine which was full of interesting stuff, cheers Dave H.


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