Anarchist Anxiety

Annie Anxiety interviewed about her poetry in Anarchist Propaganda zine, issue 1 1/2, November 1982.

Annie Anxiety … Birmingham 3rd May 1982

After speaking to Flux of Pink Indians I noticed Annie Anxiety and Eve Libertine sitting on a sofa and talking. So I went over and started chatting to them. Eve had to leave to go on stage so I asked Annie some questions and scribbled down the replys. I did not have any questions prepared to ask her so that is my excuse for some of the pathetic ones I asked. I hope I have taken the replys down correctly in a shortened form as it was difficult keeping up with what was being said, Read on ……

Do you feel it easy to write poetry?
“Not really, it depends .. sometimes I feel empty inside but other times it is rather easy.”

Eve: “She churns them out, she can write one in 10 seconds, she’ll write you one now!”

How do you feel about people gobbing at you as you seemed to attract a lot of it?
“It’s just the berks in the front row. They blow kisses and make peace signs as well – real berks stuck in 1977.”

Why did you leave America?
“It was just so shit, with things like television being on 24 hours a day and the big corporations… It’s very nationalistic with 60% of the people being immigrants.”

How do you feel about your poems on paper?
“It’s another way to get something across, it has the quickest impact. When they’re written down there’s space to show your references.”

Any special significance in your name?
“No … A name is given to you when you’re born but it has nothing to do with you. You can’t slap a name on someone – it’s personal.”

Do you like punk music?
“Yeah I like the music. Crass are fucking great! If I don’t like the lyrics though then I won’t like the song.”

What did you think of your single?
“Well I’d like to do more different things – but it was good, working with Penny was brilliant.”

Do you like your set being split into two?
“I prefer it split into two. You lose impact if it’s not split. The evening’s planned and it is set up well.”

What do you think of the sound quality as it is often the main problem?
“Yeah it is difficult. When people come up and talk it helps, but it is a problem.”

Annie’s second book of poems “Tropical Depression” is available from Xntrix (Poison Girls) for 30p + 18p (p+p)
Poison Girls, c/o Rough Trade, 137 Blenheim Crescent, London W.11

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